Campaign Brief
How can you use the power of Graphic Design to
address a social need within your direct community?
Sungarden Hospice is a well known charity store located in Pretoria. They sell second hand items to help the elderly that are terminally ill, and can not afford to pay for medical bills or medications for themselves, to help them through their sickness.
The Campaign Direction Aim
How to transform the community to help donate to Sungardens Hospice?
Targeting children through an educational, and fun campaign will create awareness of the value Sungarden Hospice, gives back to the community. Imagine children learning the meaning of kindness and donations to the community from a young age. Creating a conversation through young children with a Treasure Hunt Campaign
One mans junk is another mans treasure.
This saying inspired the campaign to help young children become inspired to understanding and learning the meaning of donation and kindness.
Someone’s old second hand items can be of value to others.
Therefore, this will create kindness as a lifestyle within young children.
Target Market
Young school children that will expand the target market at their own home.
Campaign Structure
What is the treasure hunt campaign?
This is a campaign that will run for four weeks. This will be an interactive campaign where it will be carried out at a school which children will be
involved throughout the four weeks. At the end of the four week treasure hunt there will be a celebration day for the teams.

This is for the School Kids to take home to their parents and then can link onto the website.

This is where the children and family can go and sign up for the four week treasure hunt.

Classroom Game
Each classroom gets a poster to place up on the wall where each student has their own name tag to play the game and follow each weeks challenge.
Each weeks clue will be covered with a silver scratch cover that the children can rub off and reveal the quest.
This creates excitement and enthusiasm within the classroom.

All the children and their families who play the game will bring the donations after the four weeks.
Celebration Day
At the end of the four weeks game there will be a treasure hunt celebration day where by the teams
will receive gift and a treasure hunt game to end with prizes.